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Best Paper Awards

Best Paper Award

  • Eligibility: Must be a scholar, preferably in a business school in the Western Academy of Management region, and normally someone with a maximum of six to seven years of experience.  To be “ascendant,” the person should have a record that includes:

  1. Great research, which is usually determined by the quality and number of articles published,

  2. Great teaching, which is usually determined by teaching nominations or awards or other types of teaching contributions,

  3. Engaging professional service, whether with the Academy or with business, and

  4. A trajectory or potential that looks very promising for the future.

  • Preference: This is given to nominees who are current members of WAM or regular attendees of WAM meetings, although nominations in the past have not been limited to this group.  Those named a WAM Ascendant Scholar are expected to attend the annual meeting where they will present their research in a special session. 

  • Process:  Nominations are solicited from the membership.  Nominators are asked to please send the person’s name and a CV with relevant information, along with a short note about why they think this person would make a great nominee. The EC reviews the nominees and selects Ascendant Scholars.

Best Paper Award Finalists: 2023

Best Doctoral Paper Finalists

  • “Who Cares About The Recession And Corruption: I Will Always Have My Entrepreneurial Intentions” by Kevin Heupel

  • “Actor Engagement In Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: The Entrepreneurial Behavior Approach Of Entrepreneurial Orientation” by Sonny Nguyen


Best Traditional Paper Finalists

  • “Fighting Incivility One Amplified Idea At A Time: Increasing Willingness To Voice In Uncivil Groups” by Kathryn Coll, Kristin Bain, Tamar Kreps, Elizabeth Tenney

  • “Changing, Changing, Changing’: Examining Knowledge Transfer Under Conditions OF Epistemic Instability” by J. Matthew Hughey, Craig Brimhall, Devin Rapp

  • “Entrepreneurial Cognitive Development: A Household Perspective” by Tobias Pret, Aviel Cogan

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