JMI Scholars
JMI Scholar Award
Eligibility: This award recognizes our colleagues who have distinguished themselves over the course of their careers, have a reputation for mentoring successful researchers, and have personal qualities that enhance the WAM culture.
Process: Western Academy of Management and Journal of Management Inquiry sponsors this award
Our 2024 JMI Scholars: Elaine Hollensbe & Clint Chadwick

Elaine Hollensbe is a Professor in the Management Department. She completed her PhD in organizational behavior and human resource management at the University of Kansas.
Dr. Hollensbe has published qualitative research in the areas of identity, work-life balance, and emotion and quantitative research on goal setting, compensation and self-efficacy. Her current research is qualitative and focuses on individual and organizational identity work and organizational identification. Her research has been published in such journals as the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Academy of Management Review, and Human Resource Development Quarterly and has been recognized with national awards, including the Owens Scholarly Achievement Award, the Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award, and the Outstanding Publication in Organizational Behavior Award. She is a former Associate Editor of the Academy of Management Journal. Dr. Hollensbe teaches classes in the undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs has received four teaching awards from the Lindner College of Business. She is a Fellow of the Graduate School at UC and a fellow of UC's Academy of Fellows of Teaching and Learning. In addition, she is both a Research Fellow and a Teaching Fellow in the Lindner College of Business. She also is involved in designing and facilitating executive programs and workshops on leadership, team building, and work-life balance.

Clint Chadwick is the Howard Fitch/Fred Ball professor in Management and Entrepreneurship at the Kansas University School of Business. Clint earned his Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania.
His research focuses on the impact of human resource systems and human capital on firm competitiveness; organizational alignment, downsizing and strategic renewal in organizations. His research interests include strategic HRM, strategic human capital, and human capital. He has published work in outlets such as the Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, and Journal of Management.

Our 2023 JMI Scholar: Kim Elsbach

Kimberly D. Elsbach (PhD Stanford University) is Professor Emerita at the Graduate School of Management, University of California, Davis. She is also a Fellow of the Academy of Management, International Research Fellow at the Center for Corporate Reputation, Oxford University and co-founder of the Davis Conference on Qualitative Research.
Kim's research focuses on perception – specifically how people perceive each other and their organizations. She has studied these perceptual processes in variety of contexts ranging from the California cattle industry, and the National Rifle Association, to Hollywood screenwriters and NASCAR fans. Some of her recent work examines how crying at work affects perceptions of professional women at work and how self-perceptions influence one’s willingness to take ideas in creative collaborations.
Past JMI Scholars


2022: Violina Rindova, University of Southern California
Michael Lounsbury, University of Alberta​
2021: Maureen Ambrose, University of Central Florida
Marshall Schminke, University of Central Florida
Martin Hoegl, Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich
2020: Nancy Harding, University of Bath
Linda Smircich, University of Massachusetts
Marta B. Calás, University of Massachusetts
2019: Barry M. Staw, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley
2018: Jane E. Dutton, University of Michigan
Nandini Rajagopalan, University of Southern California
2017: Jean Barunek, Boston College
Roy Suddaby, University of Victoria
2016: Mary Jo Hatch
Alan Meyer, University of Oregon
2015: Wayne Cascio, University of Colorado Denver
Edward Zajac, Northwestern University
2014: Blake Ashforth, Arizona State University
Sandra Robinson, University of British Columbia
2013: Terence Mitchell, University of Washington
Gerry McNamara, Michigan State University
2012: Chuck Snow, Pennsylvania State University
Thomas Wright, Kansas State University
2011: Barry Posner, Santa Clara University
Gretchen Spreitzer, University of Michigan
2010: Joyce Osland, San Jose State University
William Torbert, Boston College
2009: William Starbuck, New York University
David Whetten, Brigham Young University
2008: Joan Winn, Denver University
Alan Glassman, California State Uni., Northridge
2007: Denise Rousseau, Carnegie Mellon University
2006: Tom Cummings, Uni. of Southern California Jone Pearce, University of California, Irvine
2005: Lyman Porter, University of California Irvine
Peter J. Frost, University of British Columbia (posthumous)
2004: Royston Greewood, University of Alberta
Don Palmer, University of California, Davis
2003: C.R. (Bob) Hinings, University of Alberta
Joanne Martin, Stanford University